We are registered at Level 3 (the highest level) with the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) previously known as the Office of Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC).
Immigration law is complex and very highly regulated. We help our clients navigate the processes so that they can understand the issues and go on to make the best decisions for themselves.
Who can we help?
We are here to help family migrants, long residents, EU nationals, victims of domestic violence and trafficking, refugees and asylum seekers, and anyone who wants to settle and become a British citizen.
What does our Immigration work involve?
Our area of work involves advice and representation for everyone who is not a British citizen. It also includes help for British citizens who have non-British families.
We help people to settle in the UK and help to reunite families where a partner or a parent is abroad. We also help people who are already here and who are victims of violence and/or exploitation.
How to access our immigration advice
The best way to access our Specialist Immigration Advice Team is to telephone our freephone Adviceline on 0808 278 7810 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm). Our Adviceline Advisers will be able to help you initially and will link you in with the specialist team if needed.
We offer advice by telephone, face-to-face, and email. Our Adviser will assess which contact method is appropriate for your needs. Our advice locations are fully accessible, and we can also arrange telephone interpretation where required if English isn’t your first language. We offer appointments and we can provide home visits where our Advisers assess that no other channels are appropriate to your needs.