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The information on this website is for general guidance on your rights and responsibilities – it’s not legal advice.
If you need more details on your rights or legal advice about what action to take, you should contact your nearest Citizens Advice or a solicitor. You can get help choosing and using a solicitor on the Law Society website.
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Being ’liable’ means being legally responsible for something.
We’re not liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience you experience as a result of:
This is the case as far as the law allows, whether the loss, damage or inconvenience comes from contract, ‘tort’, or any other source.
‘Tort’ is the name given to an area of law related to people who are in positions of responsibility. It makes them liable if they don’t carry out the legal obligations that go with their positions.
This means we’re not liable for:
We can still be liable for death or personal injury caused by ‘negligence’. Negligence is when an organisation or person fails to take the care they should take when they do something.
You can read the full legal definition of negligence in the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, which is on the government’s legislation website.
We can also be liable for fraud or ‘fraudulent misrepresentation’, which is when someone says things they know aren’t true for their own benefit.
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When you contact us by email, we can’t guarantee the information we send or receive won’t:
We’re not liable for any damage that happens because of the email.
Our emails aren’t secure. We’re not responsible for the safety of the information stored on any electronic device you’re using.
Any information we give by email is only intended for the person it’s addressed to. Only the person we’re advising should take action based on the information we give them.
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